CAGBC Building Lasting Change 2023 Bundle

DURATION: 10 hours

Embark on a comprehensive exploration of sustainable building practices, climate-conscious investment strategies, and emerging trends in the realm of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations. This on-demand video bundle offers exclusive access to recordings of 10 thought-provoking sessions conducted on June 2nd, 2023, featuring industry experts and leaders sharing their insights, experiences, and innovative solutions.
" Access to 10 exclusive session recordings.
" In-depth knowledge from industry leaders.
" Insights into the latest sustainable building practices.
" Strategies for climate-conscious investment and resilience.

Sessions Highlights:
1. BLC 2023 - Opening Plenary delves into the future of Zero Carbon as CAGBC's President and CEO, Thomas Mueller, and other distinguished speakers discuss transformative pressures, governmental policies, and the integration of sustainability in business decision-making.

2. Carbon as a Metric in Future Code and Standards explores the evolving metrics in codes and standards as panelists, including Mark Hutchinson and Peter Templeton, shed light on capturing the true impact of carbon in buildings and its implications for projects and transition planning.

3. Factoring Resilience and Climate Risk will help the audience to understand the critical link between decarbonization and resilience. Listen to a panel of experts in the discussion on "Factoring Resilience and Climate Risk into Decarbonization Strategies" to learn about building climate risk factors into your decarbonization journey.

4. Securing Stakeholder Buy-in for a Low-carbon Transition will provide insights into transition planning and stakeholder engagement. Industry leaders share their experiences, strategies, and continuous improvement efforts in securing buy-in for low-carbon transition.

5. Upcycling Existing Large Buildings to Get to Zero discusses best practices in transforming large buildings to meet climate goals. Learn from Canadian and International project examples as experts discuss revitalizing existing structures to achieve decarbonization targets.

6. Interim Solutions for the EPD Data Gap addresses the challenges of EPD data gaps with insights from a panel of experts. Understand the current state of the industry, available interim solutions, and tools project teams can leverage for embodied carbon targets.

7. Closing the Sustainability/Valuation Gap for Capital Market Investors explores the changing capital market conditions and their impact on decarbonization initiatives. Learn how to unlock retrofit capital investments and integrate sustainability strategies into building appraisal, valuation, and financing processes..

8. Harmonizing WBLCA for Better Results dives into the importance of Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (WBLCA) for embodied carbon reductions. Listen to the panel discussion on current policies, challenges, and emerging solutions to advance standardized data and benchmarking.

9. Alternative Financing Models to Accelerate Retrofits addresses the pressure on portfolio owners and managers to accelerate retrofit activity. Learn from financing and project experts about different funding, operating, and lending models available to de-risk investments.

10. ESG & Commercial Real Estate in Canada - State of the Industry informs about ESG trends in commercial real estate in Canada. Explore key findings from REALPAC's ESG State of the Industry Report and participate in a roundtable discussion on trends, benchmarks, and insights.

CAGBC's on-demand bundles save you up to 25% off individual course prices! Interested in only one of the courses listed in this bundle? Just click on the course name to be taken to the individual course registration page.

Bundled price:

Members: $460

Non-members: $820

Access to the courses in this bundle is for 90 days from date of purchase.

Regular price: $820.00

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