Transition towards a green economy and create jobs.

As governments look to stimulate economic recovery, Ontario can simultaneously make significant progress on climate action. Building retrofits and new low-carbon construction can play a critical role by getting people to work and helping to reduce Ontario’s greenhouse gas emissions.

The time is now to invest in upskilling the current workforce as well as attracting more people to work in the sector. A low-carbon recovery agenda can accelerate our transition towards a green and inclusive economy and create jobs for a stronger Ontario.



To accelerate workforce capacity, the building sector must come together in unprecedented collaboration.

Workforce 2030 is a broad cross-sectoral coalition of employers, educators, practitioners across the construction ecosystem working to collectively impact government policy, business practice and education.


Workforce 2030 is fast-tracking the workforce needed to build a low-carbon Ontario by addressing:

Skills Development

We are strengthening existing education curriculum and designing new programs by working with industry and training providers to deepen understanding of the low-carbon skills gaps and training pathways. We are enhancing access to low-carbon training while growing equitable participation.

Talent Recruitment

We are growing the workforce by championing inclusive practices to recruit underrepresented groups to the building sector, including youth, women, newcomers, Indigenous and racially diverse peoples.

Workplace Innovations

We are transforming workplaces with new technologies and advances in the design and construction practice that will enable the building sector workforce to achieve higher performance while also creating new occupations within the industry.



You can play a powerful role by participating in the coalition.
Join a growing group of low-carbon building champions in Workforce 2030.

As a Participant, you will:


Lend your voice

by mobilizing our respective organizations and networks to champion a low-carbon, skilled, diverse and inclusive workforce in the buildings sector.

Embrace a collaborative approach

by participating and contributing to Workforce 2030’s collective priorities, projects and working groups.

Build-up workforce readiness

by strengthening the training and implementation capacity of your own employees in support of and response to regulatory changes and market demand for low-carbon buildings.

Questions? Email us at




Foundational Partners


Steering Committee

Akua Schatz, Co-Chair
Vice President, Market Engagement & Advocacy
Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC)

Sandro Perruzza, Co-Chair
Ontario Society of Professional Engineers

John Cartwright
President (Retired)
Toronto and York Region Labour Council

Andrew Pariser
Vice President

Andria Babbington
Toronto and York Region Labour Council

Danielle Feidler
Senior Vice President

Tony Cupido
Research Chair, Sustainability
Mohawk College

Rosemarie Powell
Executive Director
Toronto Community Benefits Network

Bala Gnanam
VP, Sustainability, Advocacy & Stakeholder Relations
Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)

Mae Shaban
Member of the Sustainable Built Environment Committee (SBEC)
Ontario Association of Architects (OAA)

Erich Schmidt
Manager, Public Affairs and Innovation
Ontario General Contractors Association (OGCA)

Coalition Participants



Thank you to The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) and Catherine Donnelly Foundation for support of Workforce 2030, and to the Future Skills Centre, with funding from the Government of Canada under the Future Skills program, for support of the Rapid Upskilling for Green Building program.



The Canada Green Building Council acts as secretariat and provides backend support and services.

Workforce 2030
c/o Canada Green Building Council

Queen’s Quay Terminal
207 Queen’s Quay West, Suite 615
Toronto Ontario M5J 1A7
© 2020 Copyright. Workforce 2030. All Rights Reserved.